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How To Write Your Story ... cont

We’re nearing the end of this leg in our journey together and we’ve sure covered a bit of ground over the past 3 weeks!  Thanks for staying the course! If you’ve just happened along this path and are curious to uncover what we’ve been exploring you’ll find the Let’s get on with discovering how to take control of, own and write our stories! Today we look at how and why we should:  ...

October 15, 2020

How To Write Your Story cont...

Today we continue our journey of discovery regarding taking control of, owning and writing our story! To those of you who embarked on this journey with me from Day One and stayed on the path – I hope that this excursion is starting to birth in you a new appreciation and perspective of yourself and your innate abilities. I hope that you are one step closer to picking up that pen to start writing your next chapter!  To those who have just joined this adventure here’s what we’ve explored...

October 8, 2020

How to Write Your Story

Last week we set out on a journey exploring the often-overlooked idea that we are all wired with capabilities to go far beyond what we comprehend… We touched on the frequency at which we let others’ opinions of us dictate the choices we make, impact our self-image, or contribute to us second-guessing and derailing our potential. We pondered how often we allow our own opinions and self-limiting beliefs to bring us the same result.  I took a risk and reflected on a moment in history ...

September 30, 2020

Write Your Story

We are all wired with capabilities to go far beyond what we comprehend…….  But, don't take my word for it! Thomas A. Edison put it this way "If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves."  How often do we let others’ opinions of us dictate the choices we make, impact our self-image, or contribute to us second-guessing and derailing our potential?  How often do our own opinions of ourselves lead to the same re...

September 24, 2020 Posts 1-4 of 4 | Page